Weekly Photo Challenge: The Descent

boy speeding down hill on bike, descent
The descent – more fun than the ascent

For this week’s photo challenge I wanted to depict the sensation of speeding down this hill on wheels, hair streaming in the wind. In order to do this, I needed a child on a bike to photograph. But where was I going to get one of those? (my own child is too busy being a teenager and would no more get on a bike on my say so than she would tidy her room, well not without a bribe and I wasn’t feeling rich enough for that). Unbelievably, at that moment I heard a joyful, unselfconscious little voice singing (the way you do when you are about 8 years old and whizzing along with effortless speed). I looked up to see a child on a bike careering towards me. I whipped out my phone and took this picture.

By the time I had turned to take another, he was far away.

boy on a bike, autumn riding

And in another moment he was almost gone

Shooting off into the distance
Shooting off into the distance

His mother passed me and I looked nonchalant and took some photos of trees, but she didn’t seem the least bit perturbed by my having pointed a camera at her son. I hope she didn’t mind me capturing this happy moment for my photo. (and I admit that this is one moment where it is advantageous to be a woman, were I a man in a raincoat I may have been arrested).

Do you think I have managed to convey the joy and the speed of this ride?


2 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: The Descent

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